to Blauw Films

We are an open-source film studio specialised in Original IP and Distribution of entertainment products to the world.

Blauw Films is currently in production of SYNTACTIC LABYRINTHS, OPERATION: DELI PLATTER, APPLE ROT, and THE HUNT
as well as new projects such as THE MONK AND THE DRAGON, IMMORTALITÉ and HEIST CLUB.

Let's make movies open-source.

Our innovative business model allows us to sustain our projects independently.
The global network ensures that we are able to tackle any vision, in any medium.
Passion for film and storytelling pushes us to bring unique and original stories to our audience.

How we think

1. Think open-source
Open-source allows us to give and receive value while stimulating innovation.

2. Think customer-direct
By taking control of the supply chain we can deliver direct distribution straight to you.

3. Think win/win partnerships
Through end-to-end solutions we build bridges between the creative industry and our partners.
4. Think long term
Building art that creates true value takes time and we know it's worth it.

Make money with art.
Create independently.

Access Manifest

A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.
A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.
A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.

Trusted by these wonderful people

Meet the Contributors.

Planet Earth rendered in the Blauw Films crystal material

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[1]: Dreams of Blauw are any form of crystallised thought based on honest expression. Sometimes they linger a shade of blue in your after-image.