In this enigmatic narrative, we delve into a world where the collective knowledge of humanity has found its sanctuary aboard the Library, a spacecraft overseen by the supercomputers, THINKER & RECEIVER. As we cross the infinite, we embark on an odyssey of exploration, venturing into uncharted realms of the universe and unearthing discoveries that defy the boundaries of the known.
® 2021 Syntactic Labyrinths
Developed by Blauw Films
Syntactic Labyrinths® is an open-source project by Blauw Films® that started in 2021.
Published by Blauw Films. Developed by Blauw Films. See for full usage rights.
Library tools and programs ®2021-2024 Blauw Films exclusively licensed to Syntactic Labyrinths®.
Resale and modification is only allowed under the MIT License. All rights reserved.
For Licensees interested in working with us by licensing our IP please see for more information.