Create realistic 3D rendered materials, by setting correct IOR values (Index of Refraction). You can create more physically accurate renders of a material by using IOR values.
Most 3D renderers will allow you to use these values when creating materials. In 3D modeling, texturing and rendering you can create photorealistic materials under any lighting conditions.
IOR works in Autodesk 3Ds Max, Autodesk Maya, Blender 3D, Maxon Cinema 4D, Chaos Corona, Chaos Vray, Arnold, Redshift or Octane.
What is IOR?
The Index of Refraction (IOR) controls the refraction level of light traveling through a material. An IOR of 1.0 such as in the case of Air, causes no distortion or dispersion of objects behind the material. Light travels through the medium without significant interference. An IOR of 1.33 such as in the case of Water, causes significant distortion. The higher the IOR the more refraction happens to the transmitted light.
What is the Abbe number?
The Abbe number is the value of a material’s dispersion. It indicates the variation of refractive index versus its wavelength.
Low Abbe numbers produce significant wavelength dispersions, creating prismatic effects.
While high Abbe numbers produce low dispersions allowing the light-waves to transmit with less interference.
Acetone is a clear, colourless liquid with a characteristic odour. It is a solvent commonly used in various industries, including as a paint thinner, nail polish remover, and in the production of plastics and other chemicals.
Acrylic glass, also known as polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) or simply acrylic, is a transparent thermoplastic material with properties similar to glass. It is lightweight, shatter-resistant, and widely used in applications such as windows, displays, lenses, and signage.
Actinolite is a greenish mineral of the amphibole group found in metamorphic rocks. It is often fibrous or columnar and can be translucent to opaque.
Agalmatolite is a type of clay mineral composed primarily of kaolinite, sericite, pyrophyllite, and other minerals. It is often white, gray, or pale yellow in color and has a greasy or soapy feel.
Agate is a variety of microcrystalline quartz known for its banded and multi-coloured appearance. It forms in cavities within volcanic rock or sedimentary environments through the deposition of silica-rich fluids.
Air is a mixture of gases primarily composed of nitrogen (about 78%) and oxygen (about 21%), with small amounts of other gases. It is transparent and colourless in its natural state.
Ethanol, or drinking alcohol, is a colourless and flammable liquid.
Alexandrite is a rare and valuable variety of the mineral chrysoberyl. It is prized for its remarkable colour-changing properties, appearing green in daylight and reddish-purple under incandescent light.
Almandine is a common variety of garnet, a group of silicate minerals. It is typically deep red to reddish-brown in color and is often used as a gemstone.
Aluminum is a lightweight, silvery-white metal with excellent corrosion resistance and high thermal and electrical conductivity. It is the most abundant metal in the Earth's crust and is widely used in various industries due to its versatility and favourable properties.
Aluminum Chloride
Aluminum chloride is a chemical compound with the formula AlCl3. It is a white or yellow crystalline solid that is highly soluble in water.
Aluminum oxide is a chemical compound with the formula Al2O3. It occurs naturally as the mineral corundum and is the primary component of bauxite, the principal ore of aluminum. Aluminum oxide is a white or colorless solid with high hardness and excellent thermal conductivity.
Amber is a fossilised tree resin that is prized for its warm colour and organic appearance. It is typically yellow to brown in colour but can also occur in shades of orange, red, or even green.
Amblygonite is a fluoro-phosphate mineral that is often found in lithium-bearing pegmatites. It typically occurs in shades of white, yellow, green, or pink.
Amethyst is a purple variety of quartz that is prized as a gemstone for its beauty and colour. It gets its distinctive purple hue from trace amounts of iron impurities within the quartz crystal lattice.
Ammolite is an opal-like organic gemstone formed from the fossilised shells of ammonites, which are ancient marine mollusks. It exhibits iridescent colors ranging from green and blue to red and orange.
Amorphous Selenium
Amorphous selenium is a form of selenium that lacks the crystalline structure found in its more common crystalline form. It is often used in xerographic applications, such as photocopiers and laser printers, as a photoconductive material. Amorphous selenium exhibits unique electrical and optical properties that make it suitable for use in imaging technologies.
Anatase is a form of titanium dioxide (TiO2) mineral that is often found in metamorphic and igneous rocks. It is characterized by its tetragonal crystal structure and is commonly white, yellow, or brownish in color.
Andalusite is an aluminum silicate mineral with the chemical formula Al2SiO5. It is known for its distinct prismatic crystal habit and often occurs in metamorphic rocks such as schist and slate.
Anhydrite is a mineral composed of calcium sulfate (CaSO4) and is commonly found in sedimentary deposits. It occurs in various colors, including white, gray, and blue, and often forms in evaporite environments such as gypsum beds.
Apatite is a group of phosphate minerals that are commonly found in igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks. It is often green, blue, or yellow in color and may exhibit fluorescence under ultraviolet light.
Apophyllite is a group of mineral species belonging to the phyllosilicate class. It is typically colorless, white, or green and forms prismatic or tabular crystals. Apophyllite is commonly found in volcanic environments and is often associated with zeolite minerals.
Aquamarine is a blue to blue-green variety of the mineral beryl, which is composed of beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate. It is prized for its color, clarity, and durability.
Aragonite is a carbonate mineral with the chemical formula CaCO3. It is a polymorph of calcite, meaning it has the same chemical composition but a different crystal structure.
Argon is a chemical element with the symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is a colorless, odorless, and inert gas that makes up about 1% of the Earth's atmosphere.
Asphalt, also known as bitumen, is a sticky, black, and highly viscous liquid or semi-solid form of petroleum.
Augelite is a rare phosphate mineral with the chemical formula Al2(PO4)(OH)3. It is typically colorless, white, or pale yellow and forms in hydrothermal vein deposits associated with aluminum-bearing minerals.
Axenite is a rare mineral that is a member of the epidote group. It is typically found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss and is often associated with other minerals such as quartz, feldspar, and garnet. Axenite is prized by collectors for its unique crystal habits and distinctive colors, which can range from pink to purple to green.
Axinite is a mineral species belonging to the sorosilicate group. It is typically found in metamorphic rocks such as schist and gneiss and is characterized by its complex crystal structure and diverse colors, including shades of brown, violet, blue, and green.
Azurite is a carbonate mineral with the chemical formula Cu3(CO3)2(OH)2. It is typically deep blue to greenish-blue in color and is often found in association with malachite, another copper carbonate mineral.
Barite, also known as baryte, is a mineral composed of barium sulfate (BaSO4). It is typically colorless or white but can also occur in various shades of blue, yellow, or brown, depending on impurities present in the mineral. Barite is commonly found in sedimentary rocks and is often associated with other minerals such as calcite and gypsum.
Barytocalcite is a rare mineral that is a member of the calcite group. It is a calcium barium carbonate mineral with the chemical formula (Ca,Ba)CO3. Barytocalcite is typically white or colorless and forms in hydrothermal vein deposits in association with other carbonate minerals such as calcite and aragonite.
Beer is an alcoholic beverage made from fermented grains, typically barley, along with hops, water, and yeast. It is one of the oldest and most widely consumed alcoholic drinks in the world, with numerous styles and variations produced by breweries around the globe. Beer can vary in color, flavor, and alcohol content depending on factors such as ingredients, brewing techniques, and fermentation processes.
Benitoite is a rare blue barium titanium silicate mineral with the chemical formula BaTiSi3O9. It has a striking blue color and is often found in association with other minerals such as neptunite and natrolite.
Benzene is an organic chemical compound with the molecular formula C6H6. It is a colorless and highly flammable liquid with a characteristic sweet odor.
Beryl is a mineral species that includes several gemstone varieties, including aquamarine, emerald, and morganite. It is a beryllium aluminum cyclosilicate with the chemical formula Be3Al2(SiO3)6. Beryl is typically colorless or pale in its pure form, but impurities can give rise to a wide range of colors, including blue, green, yellow, pink, and red.
Beryllonite is a rare phosphate mineral with the chemical formula NaBePO4. It is typically colorless or white and forms in pegmatite veins, often in association with other beryllium-bearing minerals such as beryl and phenakite.
Borax, also known as sodium borate, is a naturally occurring mineral salt with the chemical formula Na2B4O7·10H2O. It is a white, crystalline solid that is soluble in water and has a wide range of industrial and household applications.
Brazilianite is a mineral species belonging to the phosphate class. It is typically found in granitic pegmatites and is named after its country of origin, Brazil, where it was first discovered. Brazilianite is characterized by its translucent to transparent yellow to greenish-yellow color and prismatic crystal habit.
Liquid bromine is a dense, reddish-brown, volatile liquid at room temperature and pressure, and it has a distinctive, unpleasant odor.
Bronze is an alloy composed primarily of copper and tin, with additional elements sometimes added to achieve specific properties.
Calcite is a carbonate mineral with the chemical formula CaCO3. It is one of the most common minerals on Earth and occurs in a variety of geological settings, including sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. Calcite is typically colorless or white but can also occur in various colors due to impurities. It exhibits strong birefringence and double refraction properties.
Cancrinite is a complex mineral belonging to the group of feldspathoids. Cancrinite is typically found in silica-poor alkaline igneous rocks and is often associated with minerals such as nepheline, sodalite, and calcite. It exhibits a variety of colors, including white, gray, yellow, green, and blue.
Carbon dioxide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula CO₂. It is made up of molecules that each have one carbon atom covalently double bonded to two oxygen atoms.
Carbon disulfide is a volatile, flammable liquid with the chemical formula CS2. It consists of carbon and sulfur atoms bonded together in a linear structure. Carbon disulfide is colorless and has a strong, unpleasant odor.
Carbon Tetrachloride
Carbon tetrachloride is a colorless, volatile liquid with the chemical formula CCl4. It is a powerful solvent and was historically used in a variety of industrial applications, including as a cleaning agent, fire extinguisher fluid, and pesticide.
Carbonated Beverages
Carbonated beverages, also known as fizzy drinks or sparkling beverages, are non-alcoholic beverages that contain dissolved carbon dioxide gas, which creates bubbles and effervescence when the beverage is opened or poured. These beverages come in various flavors and forms, including sodas, carbonated water, energy drinks, and flavored sparkling water.
Cassiterite is a tin oxide mineral with the chemical formula SnO2. It is the primary ore of tin and is typically brown or black in color, although it can also occur in shades of red, yellow, or gray. Cassiterite often forms in granite pegmatites and hydrothermal veins and is commonly associated with minerals such as quartz, fluorite, and tourmaline.
Celestite, also known as celestine, is a mineral consisting of strontium sulfate (SrSO4). It is named after its celestial blue color, which is often reminiscent of the sky. Celestite commonly occurs in sedimentary rocks, particularly in evaporite deposits, and is often associated with minerals such as gypsum, calcite, and halite. It typically forms as tabular or prismatic crystals and can exhibit transparent to translucent properties.
Cerussite is a mineral composed of lead carbonate (PbCO3). It is typically colorless, white, or gray, but can also occur in various shades of brown, yellow, or green due to impurities. Cerussite often forms in the oxidation zone of lead ore deposits and is commonly associated with minerals such as galena, anglesite, and smithsonite.
Ceylanite, also known as pleonaste, is a rare variety of spinel, which is a magnesium aluminum oxide mineral with the chemical formula MgAl2O4. It exhibits a deep blue to black color.
Chalcedony is a cryptocrystalline variety of quartz, composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2). It is characterized by its microcrystalline structure, which gives it a waxy luster and translucent appearance. Chalcedony occurs in a wide range of colors, including white, gray, blue, pink, brown, and black, and often exhibits bands or zones of color.
Chalk is a soft, white, porous limestone composed mainly of calcium carbonate (CaCO3) derived from the shells of marine organisms. It is typically found in sedimentary deposits and is formed by the accumulation of calcareous remains of marine microorganisms.
Chalybite is an obsolete term for the mineral siderite, which is an iron carbonate mineral with the chemical formula FeCO3. Siderite typically occurs in sedimentary rocks, particularly in association with iron ores and coal deposits. It is commonly found in nodules, concretions, and veins and is often associated with other minerals such as quartz, calcite, and pyrite. Siderite exhibits a range of colors, including brown, yellow, green, and gray, and can be translucent to opaque.
Chlorine gas (Cl2) is a highly reactive, yellow-green gas with a pungent odor. It is a diatomic molecule composed of two chlorine atoms covalently bonded together.
Chlorine (liquid)
Liquid chlorine is the liquid form of the chemical element chlorine (Cl2) at temperatures below its boiling point of -34.04°C (-29.27°F). Liquid chlorine is a yellow-green liquid with a pungent odor, similar to its gaseous form.
Chrome red is a synthetic inorganic pigment composed of lead(II) chromate (PbCrO4). It is valued for its bright red color and high opacity. It has an intense hue, which ranges from orange-red to deep crimson, depending on its concentration and the presence of other pigments or additives.
Chrome Tourmaline
Chrome tourmaline is a variety of tourmaline, which is a crystalline boron silicate mineral with complex chemical composition. The green color of chrome tourmaline is caused by trace amounts of chromium ions within the crystal structure. Chrome tourmaline is prized for its rich green color, which ranges from vibrant emerald green to deep forest green.
Chrome yellow is a synthetic inorganic pigment composed primarily of lead(II) chromate (PbCrO4) with trace amounts of lead(II) sulfate (PbSO4). It has a bright yellow color and high opacity.
Chromium is a transition metal with the atomic number 24 and the chemical symbol Cr. It is a hard, lustrous, steel-gray metal that is highly resistant to corrosion.
Chrome green, also known as chromium oxide green or chromium sesquioxide, is a synthetic inorganic pigment composed of chromium(III) oxide (Cr2O3). It has a bright green color and high opacity.
Chromium oxide is a chemical compound with the chemical formula Cr2O3. It occurs naturally as the rare mineral eskolaite, but most commonly it is produced synthetically for various industrial applications.
Chrysoberyl is a beryllium aluminum oxide mineral with the chemical formula BeAl2O4. It has a striking yellow to greenish-yellow color and its high degree of brilliance and clarity. Chrysoberyl is most famous for its variety alexandrite, which exhibits a remarkable color change depending on the lighting conditions.
Chrysocolla is a hydrated copper silicate mineral with the chemical formula (Cu,Al)2H2Si2O5(OH)4·nH2O. It is known for its striking blue to green color, which ranges from turquoise blue to emerald green, often occurring in botryoidal or stalactitic formations.
Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony, which is a cryptocrystalline form of quartz, composed of silicon dioxide (SiO2). It has an apple-green to emerald-green color, which is caused by the presence of nickel impurities. Chrysoprase often occurs in veins or nodules within host rocks such as dolomite, limestone, or volcanic rocks.
Cinnabar (Mercury Sulfide)
Cinnabar is a naturally occurring mineral composed of mercury(II) sulfide (HgS). It is the principal ore of mercury and is prized for its vibrant red color, which ranges from scarlet to vermilion.
Citrine is a variety of quartz, which is a crystalline form of silicon dioxide (SiO2). It has a golden to yellowish-orange color, which is caused by trace amounts of iron impurities within the crystal lattice.
All-purpose cleaner is a household cleaning product designed to effectively clean a variety of surfaces, such as countertops, floors, and appliances. It typically contains a mixture of surfactants, solvents, and other active ingredients to remove dirt, grease, and stains.
Clinohumite is a rare mineral belonging to the humite group, which is a subgroup of the silicate mineral olivine. It is composed of magnesium, silicon, and oxygen with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)9(SiO4)4(F,OH)2. Clinohumite is typically found in metamorphic rocks such as marble and serpentinite, as well as in some igneous rocks. It has attractive colors, which range from yellow to orange, brown, and green, often with a vitreous to resinous luster.
Clinozoisite is a calcium aluminum sorosilicate mineral belonging to the epidote group. It is a metamorphic mineral commonly found in medium- to high-grade metamorphic rocks such as schists, gneisses, and marbles. Clinozoisite forms as a result of the metamorphism of primary minerals such as plagioclase feldspar and biotite, often in association with other minerals such as quartz, garnet, and amphibole. It is characterized by its prismatic crystal habit and typically occurs in shades of green, brown, or pink, with a vitreous to pearly luster.
Cobalt blue is a blue pigment composed of cobalt(II) oxide-aluminum oxide (CoAl2O4) or cobalt(II) aluminate. It has an intense, vibrant blue color, which ranges from deep royal blue to azure blue, depending on its concentration and the presence of other pigments or additives.
Cobalt green is a green pigment composed of cobalt(II) oxide-zinc oxide (CoO·ZnO) or cobalt(II) zinc aluminate. It has a bright, intense green color, which ranges from emerald green to turquoise green, depending on its concentration and the presence of other pigments or additives.
Cobalt violet is a violet pigment composed of cobalt(II) phosphate or cobalt(II) phosphate-aluminum oxide. It has a rich, deep violet color, which ranges from bluish-purple to reddish-purple, depending on its concentration and the presence of other pigments or additives.
Colemanite is a borate mineral composed of hydrated calcium borate with the chemical formula Ca2B6O11·5H2O. Colemanite has a pearly luster and translucent to transparent crystals, which range in color from white to colorless, with occasional tints of gray, yellow, or green.
Copper is a metallic element with the atomic number 29 and the chemical symbol Cu. It is a ductile metal with high thermal and electrical conductivity, as well as excellent corrosion resistance.
Copper oxide refers to a group of chemical compounds containing copper and oxygen atoms in various stoichiometric ratios. The most common forms of copper oxide are cupric oxide (CuO) and cuprous oxide (Cu2O). Cupric oxide is a black powder with the chemical formula CuO, while cuprous oxide is a red or reddish-brown powder with the chemical formula Cu2O.
Coral is a marine invertebrate organism belonging to the class Anthozoa within the phylum Cnidaria. It consists of colonies of tiny animals called polyps that secrete calcium carbonate skeletons, which form the structure of coral reefs. Corals are found in warm, shallow waters throughout the world's oceans and are known for their vibrant colors and intricate skeletal structures.
Cordierite, also known as iolite or water sapphire, is a magnesium iron aluminum cyclosilicate mineral with the chemical formula (Mg,Fe)2Al4Si5O18. Cordierite has a distinctive blue to violet-blue color, which is caused by pleochroism—the ability to exhibit different colors when viewed from different angles.
Corundum is a crystalline form of aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and is one of the hardest minerals known, second only to diamond on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness. It occurs in a variety of colors, with the most well-known varieties being ruby (red) and sapphire (all other colors except red, which is designated as ruby).
Crocoite is a mineral consisting of lead chromate, PbCrO4. It is named for its distinctive red-orange coloration, resembling the color of crocodile blood, from which its name is derived. Crocoite forms prismatic crystals, often with striations parallel to the long axis, and it is transparent to translucent.
Chromite is a mineral composed of iron chromium oxide (FeCr2O4). It is the only ore of chromium and is mined extensively for its chromium content, which is used primarily in the production of stainless steel, alloys, and chromium compounds.Chromite is typically dark brown to black in color and has a metallic luster.
Crown Glass (impure)
Crown glass is a type of glass characterized by its relatively low dispersion and high transparency in the visible spectrum. "Impure" crown glass suggests that it may contain certain impurities that affect its optical properties.
Crown Glass (pure)
Crown glass is a type of optical glass known for its relatively low dispersion and high transparency in the visible spectrum. Pure crown glass is composed primarily of silica (SiO2) with small amounts of other elements to achieve specific optical properties.
Cryolite is a mineral consisting of sodium aluminum fluoride with the chemical formula Na3AlF6. It occurs naturally as colorless to white or pale yellow crystals and is often found in association with other fluoride minerals in pegmatites and hydrothermal veins.
Chrysoberyl is a mineral composed of beryllium aluminum oxide (BeAl2O4) and is known for its unique optical phenomenon called chatoyancy, or the cat's eye effect. This effect is caused by parallel fibrous or needle-like inclusions within the crystal structure, which reflect light in a concentrated band across the surface, resembling the slit pupils of a cat's eye.
Crystal glass, also known simply as crystal, is a type of glass that contains lead oxide (PbO) or other additives to enhance its optical clarity, brilliance, and refractive properties. It is distinguished from ordinary glass by its higher refractive index, which gives it a greater sparkle and brilliance when cut and polished.
Cubic zirconia (CZ) is a synthetic gemstone composed of zirconium dioxide (ZrO2) stabilized with various additives to achieve a cubic crystal structure and optical properties similar to those of diamond. CZ has brilliance, clarity, and colorlessness, making it a popular and affordable alternative to diamond in jewelry and decorative objects.
Cuprite is a mineral composed of copper oxide (Cu2O) and is known for its deep red to brownish-red coloration, which is caused by its high copper content. It often forms as octahedral or cubic crystals, as well as in massive or granular aggregates.
Danburite is a calcium boron silicate mineral with the chemical formula CaB2(SiO4)2. Danburite crystals are typically transparent to translucent and occur in prismatic or tabular forms. They are commonly colorless or pale yellow, but can also occur in shades of pink, peach, or brown.
Diamond is a naturally occurring allotrope of carbon and is renowned for its exceptional hardness, brilliance, and optical properties. It is composed of carbon atoms arranged in a cubic crystal lattice structure, which gives it its characteristic transparency and refractive index.
Diopside is a monoclinic pyroxene mineral with the chemical composition CaMgSi2O6. It is a member of the clinopyroxene group of minerals and is commonly found in metamorphic and igneous rocks, especially in association with calcite, garnet, and olivine. Diopside occurs in a variety of colors, including green, white, gray, and black, depending on its chemical composition and impurities. It is often translucent to transparent and may exhibit pleochroism, meaning it can display different colors when viewed from different angles.
Dolomite is a carbonate mineral composed of calcium magnesium carbonate with the chemical formula CaMg(CO3)2. It is a common rock-forming mineral found in sedimentary rocks such as limestone, marble, and dolostone. Dolomite typically occurs as rhombohedral crystals or granular masses and is often white, gray, or pink in color.
Dumortierite is a mineral with the chemical composition Al7BO3(SiO4)3O3. It belongs to the nesosilicate group of minerals and is commonly found in metamorphic rocks, particularly in quartz veins and pegmatites. Dumortierite typically occurs as prismatic crystals, often in shades of blue, violet, or brown, although it can also be colorless, white, or gray.
Ebonite, also known as hard rubber, is a durable and rigid material made from vulcanized rubber. It is formed by the chemical treatment of natural rubber with sulfur and other additives to improve its strength, hardness, and resistance to heat and chemicals. Ebonite is characterized by its deep black color and glossy appearance, which resembles ebony wood, hence the name "ebonite."
Ekanite is a rare calcium thorium silicate mineral with the chemical formula Ca2ThSi8O20. It belongs to the nesosilicate group of minerals and is known for its distinctive green to yellow-green coloration, which is caused by trace amounts of uranium and rare earth elements.
Elaéolite, also known as nepheline syenite, is a crystalline igneous rock composed primarily of nepheline, feldspar, and other minerals. It typically forms in alkaline igneous intrusions such as nepheline syenite pegmatites and carbonatites. Elaéolite is characterized by its light color and lack of quartz, which distinguishes it from granite.
Emerald is a variety of the mineral beryl (Be3Al2(SiO3)6) that is colored green by trace amounts of chromium and sometimes vanadium. It has a rich green color, transparency, and rarity. Emeralds are formed in hydrothermal veins or pegmatites, where the presence of chromium impurities gives them their characteristic green hue.
Enstatite is a pyroxene mineral with the chemical formula MgSiO3. It belongs to the orthorhombic crystal system and is one of the most common minerals in the pyroxene group. Enstatite is commonly found in metamorphic and igneous rocks, especially in ultramafic rocks such as peridotite and serpentinite. It typically occurs as prismatic crystals or as granular masses and is often light green to gray in color, although it can also be colorless or brown.
Epidote is a calcium aluminum iron sorosilicate mineral with the chemical formula Ca2(Al, Fe)3(SiO4)3(OH). It belongs to the epidote group of minerals and is commonly found in metamorphic rocks, especially in association with amphiboles, garnets, and quartz. Epidote typically occurs as elongated prismatic crystals or as massive aggregates, and it is often green to yellow-green in color, although it can also be brown, black, or colorless.
Ethanol, also known as ethyl alcohol, is a clear, colorless liquid with the chemical formula C2H5OH. It is the primary alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and is commonly used as a solvent, fuel, and disinfectant.