The logos for the original open-source film productions of Blauw Films. From left to right they are Syntactic Labyrinths, The Hunt, Bloodbath Azure, Processing Solitude, Apple Rot, Operation: Deli Platter and Heist Club.

The open development of our films sustains the ecosystem and allows us to continue contributing to the platform.

Creating Worlds
From Imagination

A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.
A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.
A blue arrow pointing right from the Blauw Films website.

We make the movies we dream of making.
And we share all the Research and Developments with you!

Planet Earth rendered in the Blauw Films crystal material

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[1]: Dreams of Blauw are any form of crystallised thought based on honest expression. Sometimes they linger a shade of blue in your after-image.