Take time for your Thoughts

Let your mind wander...

Reading time
1 min
Published on

July 23, 2023

Blauw Films

When your mind is struck with inspiration, there is probably something there.

Take that seriously.

The combination of all your experiences is flowing through your subconscious mind. That impulse thought, you first have, is often worth pursuing.

Take time for your thoughts

Let them come back to you a second and third time.
And with each time you reflect on it, you’re defining a clearer goal.

Persistence is always key in achieving a goal.
So are desire and a belief in the definite outcome.

Dedicated time spent towards crystallising an idea is key to the success of achieving it.

When making a movie it is important to keep these principles in mind.
Reflecting on your thoughts will do most of the heavy lifting when it comes to story development.

Often, your initial spark of inspiration carries a lot of its essence.

It would be unfortunate to let those ideas be lost.

*Note: if an idea has persisted in your mind for a long time, it’s worth seriously analysing how it can be achieved

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