The Fire in the Control Room

Explosions as a weapon for Peace

Reading time
2 min
Published on

March 11, 2024

Operation: Deli Platter

As Operation: Deli Platter was explained by Captain John Wright to the members of the Deli Squad it became clear that this was extremely straight forward.
"Travel across the ocean, with a highly trained squad of special operatives, towards one of the glass bunkers to access and extract classified intel."

Unravelling Deceptions

After Captain John Wright and the Deli Squad have traveled deep through the tunnels of the underwater bunker, they find a small control room.
Could this be where they will find the Deli Platter? Unfortunately this is not the case.

In the control room there is a computer screen with a log-in terminal.
Related to the Deli Platter? Yes. 

The Deli Platter? Absolutely not. 

The Deli Squad analyzes the control room and discovers that this terminal provides international control over the Deli Platter. And it even provides information about what the Deli Platter actually is.
The Deli Platter is not only a super-weapon of terrifying power, it is also a /2m@43 e$tj42*!m.

Not much else is known about this Deli Platter…

Captain John Wright calls the shots and after creating a digital back-up of the terminal the Deli Squad explodes the entire control room.
However, in the middle of the loud explosions a shot is fired amongst them.

Is someone in the Deli Squad a traitor? 

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