The Importance of Understanding

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Reading time
1 min
Published on

July 23, 2023

Blauw Films

Learn to Understand

We have all been there. Things are not exactly going according to plan.

Who’s fault was it? Was it yours? Was it your partner’s?

What truly matters most in these cases is your ability to avoid negativity.

Offering harsh criticism, even when justified, can create lasting resentment in others.

Instead of talking people down, or judging a person’s inability, we should try understanding them.

Try learning more about the person.

  • Why do they do what they do?
  • What drives them to do what they do?

When you’re dealing with people, remember, you’re not dealing with logical beings. In fact, you are dealing with beings full of emotions.

Never forget the importance of one’s pride and vanity.

You will get much further once there is mutual respect, sympathy, patience and love for another.

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